It is Ignite time again and as always Microsoft is coming out with tons of new functionality and exciting features for everyone to look forward to in the near future.
The word Meta is very popular recently due to Facebooks name change, so I guess Microsoft wanted in on the fun and introduced their version of it: Metaverse. Has to fit with everything else, right? 😀
So, metaverse is taking reality into the digital world by introducing Mesh for Teams. You can have face-to-face meetings and conversations in the real world. It will be making real world feel like playing an interactive computer game.
This will change the way people can cooperate and interact online giving the term Modern Workplace a whole new meaning.
But enough of that and I am more than sure that I will be writing more about this in the near future 😉
Now let’s move on to exciting announcements for D365 world:
Context IQ
Combining the capabilities of D365 and Office 365 to work together so users have now the possibility to connect different applications so there is no need to change applications all the time in order to find the information you need.
This helps for people to collaborate in a more fluent and connected way.
More precise functionalities that are soon coming are:
You get the possibility to collaborate on D365 records with your coworkers. Connecting D365, Teams and Outlook gives you all the possibilities in the world to actually connect and refer to records without having to deal with finding links or change applications.

For example: Whenever opening a D365 record, the system will show you if and who else is working on this record, by clicking on the people, you have the chance to use the embedded chat functionality to start a chat with them directly from your D365 instance.

The AI functionality in D365 record also shows you suggestions on contacts that have recently worked on similar cases and also chats that have happened around this D365 record.

This functionality is not only accessible when working from the D365 instance. Also, when working from Teams or Outlook, you will have the possibility to Search, Send and add links to various D365 records directly from those applications, by using either the search bar or tagging functionality (@recordname).

And you also get the possibility to not only show the link or name of the record, but you can show the summary/ card view of the record instead. This way the contact has the chance to see information about the record you are asking about, directly from the email you are sending. NOTE: This will, though take in consideration your organization security and privilege settings in D365.

Last, but definitely not least is the functionality of seeing the D365 record information directly within your Teams meeting. You can, from your meeting directly in the Teams application see data of the record you are talking about. Giving people, who are new to the conversation, or just want to catch up on the latest changes, the possibility to contribute as well as possible making your meetings more effective.

- Embedded Teams chat in D365 – Is already available in preview for D365 Sales, D365 Customer Service and D365 Field Service
- Accessing records during Teams meetings – Preview available from early 2022
- Live co-presence on D365 records (see who else is working on this record) – Now available for preview for D365 Sales, D365 Marketing, D365 Customer Service and D365 Field Service
- Search your D365 records within various other applications – Now available for preview for SharePoint, Bing and Office. Teams preview will come early 2022
- Use @mention in Outlook or other applications to locate your D365 records – Available for preview for Outlook, Teams and other MS 365 applications in 2022